
Thank you so much for attending the HHU European Championships 2024.


We are struck with equal parts nostalgia and excitement of seeing our dance family in Croatia.  So thank you to the dancers, parents, coaches, studio owners and HHU country members. Also thank you to all new dancers and members, for your commitment and inspirations.

This dance community is a special place. We love it, and so we keep doing it, and – most importantly – we’re all doing it together.


Generic Questions About This Event

Do you have a Code of Conduct?

Hip Hop Athletes are obligated to follow the good spirit of the sport and ethical values of the sport, the principles of Fair Play, National and International Anti-Doping Codes and other rules and regulations that are in force.

Fair Play is often referred to as “the spirit of sport”, it is essence of Olympism; it is how we play true. The spirit of sport is the celebration of the human spirit, body and mind, and is characterized by to following values:
• Ethics, fair play and honesty • Health • Excellence in performance • Character and education • Fun and joy • Teamwork • Dedication and commitment • Respect for rules and laws • Respect for yourself and other participants • Courage • Community and solidarity

What is Hip Hop Unite?

“HIP HOP” is “UNITING” – coming together, sharing, respecting each other and learning from one another in order to grow and create better results.

The idea behind HIP HOP UNITE is to create a well structured organization offering hip hop workshops, education and national, european and world championships focusing on the needs of dancers, coaches and clubs

How can we register for the event?

Our registration process is very simple. Please go to the top of this page and click on the “Register” Button.

On this form registration form you can register your team in Cadet small crew, Junior small crew, Adult small Crew, Senior Small Crew, Mega Crew, DUO’s and Battles.

What about the music?

We do not accept or use CD – You need to upload your music upon registration of your team or send the music to, and we’ll have it tested and ready to go on the day. The format must be MP3.

Crews are required to BRING AT LEAST ONE (1) CD with your music to the event as backup – JUST IN CASE THERE ARE PROBLEMS WITH THE UPLOADED MP3-TRACK. The backup-CD should be labeled, being clearly identified with the following: Category, Name of Crew, Country. Example is the following: Cadet_NoWayCrew_France

Is it possible to substitute a dancer?

For SMALL CREW a total of two (2) members can be substituted from the preliminary round to the final round but any change must be authorized by the Head Judge.

For MEGA CREW a total of four (4) members can be substituted from the preliminary round to the final round but any change must be authorized by the Head Judge. .

Can we test the floor/stage?

A floor check is planned – see time table for more info.

Each crew will have the possibility to test the stage (music) for about 1 min. However, time permitting, we will make every effort to allow each crew to test the stage for 1-2 min.

Do you give Prize money?

Yes, Prize Money is awarded in the Adult and Mega Crew Division for the Gold Medalists.

The prize money will be paid out to the winning crews right after the finals by the Secretary General.


Thanks to all our partners & sponsors for their help. They are all fully dedicated to help you